Ecological Footprint to Beat the Climate Change

Ecological Footprint to Beat the Climate Change

       Every individual, nation, and generation have an impact on our world. Whether it is big or small, good or bad, significant or not we do have a huge effect on where we live. Unfortunately, our generation has to deal with big environmental issues which come from previous generations to us. The most significant environmental issue of our current world is without a doubt the climate change. As a result of the climate change, we encounter extreme weather conditions, sea level rises, air pollutions, infectious diseases and many others. Therefore masses of people emigrate from one place to another and this movement is endless. These people experience many types of jeopardy such as social, economic, political. All these are triggered by the effects of the climate change.

However since if there is a will there is a way, there are many ways to fight against to the consequences of the climate change. For example, we can build green roofs which help with reducing storm-water runoff as part of sustainable drainage systems. It also reduces energy use by cooling the buildings underneath and improving air and water quality. We can design our buildings environmental friendly by placing solar panels, energy star windows, rain water harvesting systems and by using eco-friendly lighting. Also, city halls can build up parks as well as building storage tanks underneath them, and apply low-interest loans for pumps and drainage pipes.

Most of all, we need a paradigm shift towards sustainability and this can be achieved by using ecological resources effectively. Since ecological resources are at the core of every country’s long-term wealth, we should learn about our ecological footprints in order to understand our land’s capacities. The Ecological Footprint measures how much nature we have and how much nature we use by depending on the demand and supply of nature. On the demand side, the ecological assets are measured. These assets are categorized in six fields which are cropland, grazing land, fishing grounds, built-up land, forest area, and carbon demand on land. On the supply side, a city’s biocapacity represents the productivity of its ecological assets. Each city’s Ecological Footprint can be compared to its biocapacity. If a population’s Ecological Footprint exceeds the region’s biocapacity, that region is in ecological deficit. These regions are called ecological debtors. A region in ecological deficit meets the demand by importing and liquidating its own ecological assets such as overfishing or by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If a region’s biocapacity exceeds its Ecological Footprint, it has an ecological reserve. They are also called ecological creditors. Today, more than 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries that are running ecological deficits. The world’s ecological deficit is referred to as global ecological overshoot. Since the 1970s, humanity has been in ecological overshoot, with annual demand on resources exceeding what Earth can regenerate each year. Today humanity uses the equivalent of 1.6 Earths to provide the resources we use and absorb our waste. This means it now takes the Earth one year and six months to regenerate what we use in a year.

People can also measure their own ecological footprint. When I first measured my ecological footprint I was so shocked with the results. I learned that if everyone lived the same lifestyle as me, we would require the regenerative capacity of 1.8 planets each year. When I checked which area of my footprint is the largest, it is my food consumption. My diet consists of a lot of dairy products and sea food and while people are preparing these animal based products lots of water and energy is consumed. The second largest category is the shelter. It is because I only use energy saving lights at my house but no solar panels or other energy saving devices. After finding out these results, I know wonder why I haven’t used green roofs on my terrace before. My home is located in a warm climate and I can easily set up a green roof on my terrace to cool down inside. Also, solar panels would be a perfect solution for my energy consumption. Other than these, I have realized that I should change my diet from animal based products to agriculture based products. I can substitute milk with almond milk and beef with veggies.

Everybody should start calculating their ecological footprint and understand how dramatic the situation is. We do not have enough resource for the next generations unless we lower our consumptions and start using renewable energy. After realizing all these each one of us should sacrifice some of our consumptions. Especially, governments and city halls play an important role in supporting these activities. We shouldn’t forget those nations who are able to provide for thriving lives within the planet’s resource budget are the ones who will survive.




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